Upload Document

  • Please upload a color copy of your passport, and a color photo of you (White background) according to the specifications on this page.
  • Use the Automatic photo cropping tool if you are unsure.
  • Attach relevant supporting documents. Documents need to correspond to the requirements based on the qualification you choose to apply through.
  • If the provided documents are neither in English nor Chinese, please attach a translation to English or Chinese.
  • If you are a national of, or your documents are issued by, certain countries/regions, or you were born in Mainland China, there are additional requirements:
  1. Hong Kong, Macau: Resident and identity information required. Dual nationals must make a choice on citizenship .
  2. Mainland area: Documents must be attested and examined Proof of renunciation of citizenship and proof of travel must be provided.
  3. Cambodia, Cuba, Indonesia, Iran, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam: Documents must be authenticated by the relevant ROC representative office .
  4. Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cameroon, Ghana, Iraq, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Syria: Documents must be authenticated by the relevant ROC representative office . Applicants require a Taiwanese guarantor .
  5. Gambia, India (Identity Certificate only): Applicants require a Taiwanese guarantor .

Should you have any questions regarding these requirements, please contact NIA’s service center .

For more information, please refer to the detailed instructions .

If you have trouble submitting your Gold Card application, please refer to FAQ .

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Latest FAQ about the application process

Do I qualify?

In order to qualify for an Employment Gold Card, your skills must be related to one of ten fields: Science and Technology, Economics, Education, Culture and Art, Sport, Finance, Law, Architecture, National Defense, or Digital. You must select which ministry is most relevant, and in most cases, also select a specific qualification in that particular area for your application.

Feel free to use our Gold Card Qualification Check to check your qualification.

Is there a “general” application criteria or must I select a specific field?

There is no “general” application category. You must select a single ministry to assess your skills.

Do I need to have a high salary to apply for a Gold Card?

You do not need to have a high salary. Some fields have a criteria where applicants with a salary greater than NT$160,000 qualify, however, this is only one criteria. To date, other than the dedicated salary criteria, no other criteria has financial requirements.


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