Passport verification

For overseas applications, your passport will have to be inspected by an ROC mission/office. Hong Kong/Macau applicants are not required to have their passport inspected by an ROC overseas mission/office.
  1. When your application is approved and has passed the qualification review stage, you will receive an email notifying you about passport inspection. At this point, please bring your original passport to your chosen ROC mission/office. If you are not able to visit the overseas mission in person, please contact your respective overseas mission to confirm if passport inspections can be accepted via post.

    -Overseas applicants who enter Taiwan on a visa-exempt entry or another visa are able to change their passport inspection location to one in Taiwan. This can be done directly on the Online Application System. Please refer to the FAQ

  2. The procedure for submitting passport for inspection at the overseas missions is similar to the visa application process. Your original passport will be returned to you after the inspection process, which typically takes around 7 working days. Upon completion of the passport inspection, your application will undergo review by the National Immigration Agency for approximately 1-2 weeks. Following this review, you will receive an email confirming the approval of your Gold Card application.

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Latest FAQ about the application process

Do I qualify?

In order to qualify for an Employment Gold Card, your skills must be related to one of ten fields: Science and Technology, Economics, Education, Culture and Art, Sport, Finance, Law, Architecture, National Defense, or Digital. You must select which ministry is most relevant, and in most cases, also select a specific qualification in that particular area for your application.

Feel free to use our Gold Card Qualification Check to check your qualification.

Is there a “general” application criteria or must I select a specific field?

There is no “general” application category. You must select a single ministry to assess your skills.

Do I need to have a high salary to apply for a Gold Card?

You do not need to have a high salary. Some fields have a criteria where applicants with a salary greater than NT$160,000 qualify, however, this is only one criteria. To date, other than the dedicated salary criteria, no other criteria has financial requirements.


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