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compose Mvvm Mvvm architecture Ai engineer Adobe photoshop adobe illustrator Backend Big data Software architecture Adobe illustrator Adobe indesign Sketch Design Graphic design Graphics Graphics designing 資料庫管理人員 倉管 金融研究員 Qt 材料研發人員 Cmp Cvd Equipment vendor Etching Photolithography Pvd Semiconductor Thinfilm Azure Cloud infrastructure Data center Gcp Kubernetes Css Html5 Javascript Junit Postman api testing Selenium Sftp Nuxt js 船務 報關人員 電源工程師 Computer vision Machine learning 教育訓練人員 講師 E gaming Html css Nuxt React Typescript Node js express js Llms Nlp Google drive Account management Business development Communication Cybersecurity Fintech Saas sales Ae Cocos 生物學研究員 Cloud computing Hpc Ic Soc Storage B2b marketing Content marketing Marketing Product marketing Seo Seo content creation Customer service management Engineering design Machenical design Project management Supplier management Angular Cascading Front end development Jason Responsive web design Rest apis Sass Computer science Database development Microservices Mssql Net core Net web api Query optimization Rabbitmq Redis Server side Leadership Node js Kaldi Nlu Deep learning Communication skills Cryptocurrency Scrum Web3 區塊鏈 Blockchain C2c Web3 0 Architecture Kubernetes docker Openstack Ci cd Sre Logging Networking concepts Android development Flutter Full stack development Native Powerpoint Word Vuejs Game development 電玩程式設計師 Game programming Mobile development Unity 3d Unity3d Customer service engineering Instrumentation Site reliability engineer Apache spark App Prd Product manager Unity Unity c Unity engine Unity3d 遊戲引擎 Unity美術 8d problem solving Customer experience Customer quality Issue analysis Preventive actions Problem solving Quality assurance Quality engineering Remedy Google area Automation testing Qa automation Qa engineering Qa testing 2d animation 2d design 3d design 3dmax 動畫設計 多媒體設計 Product knowledge Uiux design Uiux設計 Investment Investment analysis Investment management 投資經理 Administration Iso 27001 It Security Concurrency 併發 高流量 Adas Automotive Edge computing Iot Management level Ember js React js redux Websocket 台灣台北 Sqa Test plan Linux Linux kernal Softwarre quality testing Field service Semiconductor equipment Chipset probe Cp Final testing Foundry management Ft Process integration Product engineering Net Open source Software design Software development Software development life cycle Software engineering Software testing Unit testing Creo Industrial Networking Power solution Global Growth marketing Product 產品行銷 行銷 React hooks Cefr b2 Gitlab Slack Api testing Mongodb Mssql mysql Oop Restful api Unix like Webapp Chrome Css preprocessors e g Css3 Docker E2e testing Firefox Jest Mvc framework Quasar Restfulapi Rwd Safari Unix like system operation Application development Dart Graphql api intergarion Provider Riverpod Tgc europe Llm Eda Arm Pcie Riscv X86 Pcb design Si pi Global channel sales Medical Psu Quality management Automation Consulting Data analysis It service management Market research and analysis Marketing strategy System integration Cyber security Penetration testing Management skills Maturity People operations 精算 職缺精選 Hybrid R d Working visa Research Threat research Ai image Ai machine learning Affiliate marketing Animation 2d Gaming industry Japanese Marketing campaigns Marketing promotion Sem Sns marketing Digital transformation Intergration testing Smoke testing 風險管理 Mrd Appium Cloud services Engineering Taipei Taiwan Odm Projectmanagement Accountmanager Businessdevelopment ipcam Ee Ipcamera Salesmanager 硬體工程師 硬體開發 Firebase Github Aftereffects Clipstudio Live 2d Maya Motion graphic designer Photoshop Spine 2d 動態特效 動畫角色設計 Qa manual testing Pm Spine Crm Internship Shopify Pytest Crypto Junior Marine Marine engineering Sales customer service Sales engineer Chemical engineering Energy saving Factory Heat exchanger Petrochemical Pump Semiconductor industry Valves and application Water treatment 半導體業 石化 重工業 Web security Devops ci cd Maual qa Qa Testing Atlassian Google workspace C net development Clean code Dotnet core Mvc architecture Winforms Wpf Wpf xaml 3ds max Ar Htc Technical artist Unreal engine 4 Vr Vr ar Illustrator Industrial design Uiux Ux 新北市 新店 機構設計 Me Mechanical Manager Api Teamwork Vcfest2023 Data architecture Data engineering Data lake Data pipeline Data processing Etl elt Etl workflow design Fluent in english 2024 跨域數位 國際人才就業博覽會 Cakeresume 2023 career fair Adc dac serds pll ldo bg dp hdmi usb Analog circuit design Pll Serdes Usb4 pcie5 25g serdes Ai 機器學習 Openai Next js Tailwind Ci Cloud architect Cloud native Cloud security Cloud storage Development Shell script System architecture System design Product designer Trading strategies Algorithm design Automated testing frameworks Restful Ruby Ruby on rails Serverless architectures Terraform Artificial intelligence Backend development Education Metaverse Infra Mnc Cloud Fullstack developer It architect Technical architect Team lead Vpn Windows Rust Electronics industry Ctf Vulnerability 滲透測試 紅隊演練 資訊安全 2023新鮮人職缺 R 2024 esg Anti virus software Ceh Cisa cism Cissp Firewall Gsec Intrusion detection systems Iso 27001 la Ble Fitness Html Oscp Oswe Owasp Security engineer Web Devops engineer System System engineer Keynote Pages Red team assessment Bug tracking Function test Usability test App 開發 Software Software engineer Front end Graphql api Macintosh os Senior Vue Web developer Fw Mcu Touchpad Digital stylus Data engineering data processing Hw Bldc Cad Eletro mechanical engineering Motor Pmdc C4d Career in taiwan Cinema 4d Unity designer 台灣新北市新店區 理科生 Graphql Nest js Nosql Sql Mixpanel Notion 台北 Hibernate Maven Postgresql Spring boot Spring mvc Chef Graphite Mysql Promethus 台北市 大安區 Pytorch Tensorflow Video editing Autocad 2d Chieftechnologyofficer Cto Enginner Express Frontend engineer Fullstack Renewable Solar Solarpower Techlead Ui designer Ui ux Ui uxdesign Ux design Taipei city 台北市中山區 Ansible Grafana Jenkins Kibana Kubernetes k8s Accounting Cpa Ea Tax Full stack Golang Test Test automaiton Asana Prototyping Zeplin App developer Fresh graduate 114台灣台北市內湖區 Developer Programming Quantitative Trading

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2024/SEP Cumulative Number of Employment Gold Card Issuance

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