【本職缺優先審核至高通官網投遞人選】請至高通官網上傳英文履歷表:https://careers.qualcomm.com/careers/job/446704074425 【Talents who apply job through Qualcomm Career Website will be reviewed and considered as top …
類比電路開發設計與佈局優化(Bandgap, LDO, Charge Pump等類比電路) 非揮發性記憶體電路開發設計(Array, Decoding, Sense Amplifier等電路) 消費性、物聯網與車用電子之非揮發性記憶體電路整合開發設計 Our Design Team is responsible for NVM …
Micron’s Assembly Package Technology Development team is looking for a motivated and experienced individual contributor for this position in Process Development …
Apply here: https://micron.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/External/job/Taichung---Fab-16-Taiwan/Senior-Engineer--A-T-Supplier-Quality-Engineering_JR71918
As a Senior Engineer, A/T Supplier …
JR71909 ENGINEER, WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT As a Workforce Development (WD) Engineer, you will be accountable for managing Front-end manufacturing related trainings. You are encouraged …
As a Industry 4.0 (I4.0) Analyst at Micron Technology, Inc., you will report to the Smart Manufacturing and Artificial Intelligence organization. The team defines, drives and …
Micron Technology operates in a highly competitive industry where innovation depends on hardworking minds extracting fresh insights from an ever-expanding data universe. We are …