Job category: 電源工程師

These job listings are taken from Taiwan job sites for reference.

Source Source: 104
Qualcomm Semiconductor Corporation_高通半導體有限公司

System Power Engineer, Senior (Hsinchu)(3072580)

【本職缺優先審核至高通官網投遞人選】請至高通官網上傳英文履歷表: 【Talents who apply job through Qualcomm Career Website will be reviewed and considered as top …
[新竹市 Hsinchu City]
Source Source: 104

Principal application engineer (DC/DC power supply)

• Work closely with customers to architect system solutions that incorporate Infineon’s DCDC controller portfolio of Hot-swap controllers, e-Fuse, and digital DCDC …
[台北市內湖區 Neihu District, Taipei City]
Source Source: 104

Senior Memory Engineer

NVIDIA Silicon Solutions Group is seeking a Senior Memory Engineer to be part of the HW ArchDev team. The SSG team is uniquely positioned to have an end-to-end view of the product …
[台北市內湖區 Neihu District, Taipei City]