How do I extend my Employment Gold Card before it expires? What documents do I need to provide?

You may extend your Employment Gold Card on the Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform within 4 months of your current card’s expiration date. After re-entering your personal information, the platform will automatically transfer your documents from your previous application (you will not be able to preview or download your previous documents). To check new Gold Card qualifications, please see the pdf file here .

Please note that (aside from the Field of Architecture) an applicant does not need to meet all the qualification requirements of each respective field to apply for the Gold Card or a Gold Card extension. Furthermore, if you switch to a new field or regulation, or if there are new regulations for the field of your previous application, the platform will not be able to automatically transfer your documents from your previous application. Please note that there is no “Save” option, so please click “Next Step” continuously, and then click “Send” to submit.

Online extension procedure: log into the Foreign Professionals Online Application Platform, click Application then choose Application for Extension as a Non-Expired Card Holder.

Extension Demo
Extension Demo

If your Gold Card is already expired, please choose “Apply as New Applicant or Renew an Expired Card”, and then click “New application”.

Reapplication Demo 1
Reapplication Demo 1

Reapplication Demo 2
Reapplication Demo 2