How to apply for International Driving License?

Required Documents:

  • Identity Card or Alien Resident Certificate (ARC): Bring the original copies.
  • Photos: Two 2-inch color photos with a glossy single-color background, clear facial features, no hats, bust shot, taken within the last 2 years (no image synthesis).
  • Driver’s License: Bring the original.
  • Passport Copy: To verify your name in English.
  • Fee: NT$250.


  • Ensure your driving license is valid. If it’s about to expire, renew it first.
  • If your address on the driving license differs from your National ID card or ARC, update the address.
  • Pay any outstanding fines before applying.
  • If someone else is applying for you, they need to bring your original national identity card for inspection.
  • Where to apply: Motor Vehicles Office (監理站) Applying for a Foreign International Driving License Visa (Reciprocal Country): Eligibility: Foreigners must stay in Taiwan for more than 6 months, and their original country’s driving license must be from a country recognized by Taiwan for reciprocal agreement. They may then present their original driver’s license at the Motor Vehicles Office (監理站) and receive a Taiwan driver’s license.

Required Documents:

  • Identity Card or Passport: Nationals need their national identity card. Foreigners need a passport and residence permit (if applicable). The passport must show the date of entry.
  • Driving License: From the reciprocal country, along with a foreign international driving license (both must be valid).
  • Health examination and physical fitness test results from a public hospital, public health center, or a clinic/group entrusted by motor vehicles offices
  • Photo: A 1-inch photo taken within the last 2 years.
  • Fee: NT$150. For a list of reciprocal countries.