Foreign special professionals with specialized knowledge/Skills in the Digital Field

Must meet ONE of the following requirements:

Proof of professional experience of at least eight years in the digital economy-related industries or fields.

Choose one of the below and provide required documents:

  1. A letter of recommendation from a ROC(Taiwan) embassy or consulate or the relevant central competent authority.
  2. Applicant’s resume (see attachment) and at least one of the following documents as proof:
  • Proof of holding a high-ranking or important position in a government agency (institution) or private organization in a digital economy-related industry or field. Note 1.2.1

  • Proof of having won in recognized domestic and international awards, or served as a judge in recognized domestic and international competitions. Note 1.2.2

  • Please provide the following as proof of domestic or foreign work experience:

    • Employment certificate or resignation letter issued by a domestic or foreign employing organization.
    • Company introduction, job description (such as project experience, service experience, implementation effectiveness of solutions, etc.), technical or other professional proof (such as domestic or foreign patent certificates, technology transfer contracts, academic works, licenses, award certificates, etc.)
  • Other documents to sufficiently prove professional competence in the digital economy-related industries or fields, such as certificate, professional training certificate (excluding short-term training), publications, thesis papers, patents, inventions, proof of participation in professional community development activities, or business performance documents, etc.


Please attach all of the following documents:

  • Salary proof or income tax payment proof documents for working at a company in a digital economy-related industry or field.
  • Domestic and foreign employment certificates and personal curriculum vitae for working at a company in a digital economy-related industry or field.
  • A graduation certificate issued to the person by one of the top 500 universities listed in the most recent QS World University Rankings, Times Higher Education World University Rankings, or U.S. News & World Report Rankings after the person completed a doctorate there.

1 To prove expertise of the applicant in the products or services required in the digital economy-related industries or fields, one of the following documents must be provided:

  • Any evidence proving a patent application has been filed.
  • Research reports published in public venues (such as seminars and/or forums) or journals.

2 Copy of doctoral diploma in relevant fields from foreign or domestic universities. 3 For those with work experience of at least four years in relevant fields OR having won recognized awards from domestic or foreign institutions, one of the following documents must be provided:

  • Proof of domestic and foreign recognized winning records. Note 4.3.1

  • Proof of work experience of at least four years in the digital economy-related industries or fields. Please provide ALL relevant documents as follows:

    -Proof of domestic or foreign work experience of at least four years in the digital economy-related industries or fields. Note 4.3.2

  • Company introduction, job description (such as project experience, service experience, implementation effectiveness, etc.), technical or other proof professional proof (such as domestic or foreign patent certificates, technology transfer contracts, academic works, licenses, award certificates, etc.)


A high-ranking or important position includes but are not limited to manager, assistant manager, deputy general manager, general manager, vice chairman, chairman, vice CEO, CEO, vice president, president, deputy director general, director general, vice chair, chair, person-in-charge, deputy director, director, partner, or other similar positions, as reviewed and approved by the Ministry of Digital Affairs.
Recognized awards refer to awards hosted by domestic or foreign government agencies or international organizations in the digital economy-related industries or fields, OR awards with a certain scale of participants and countries, OR awards that are representative or significant in the global digital economy-related industries or fields, such as the NASA Space Apps Challenge and the Presidential Hackathon, or other awards that have been reviewed and recognized by the Ministry of Digital Affairs.
Recognized awards refer to awards hosted by domestic or foreign government agencies or international organizations in the digital economy-related industries or fields, OR awards with a certain scale of participants and countries, OR awards that are representative or significant in the global digital economy-related industries or fields, such as the NASA Space Apps Challenge and the Presidential Hackathon, or other awards that have been reviewed and recognized by the Ministry of Digital Affairs.
  1. The proof should comprise of an employment certificate or a resignation letter issued by the employing organization.
  2. Either domestic or international work experience proof may be provided, but the total years of work experience in the digital economy-related industries or fields must be at least 4 years.

Announcement of Guidelines for International Digital Economy Talents Applying for Industry Exchanges in Taiwan. Applications are now being accepted. Please see News for more information.


Reading time: 7 minute(s)

For qualified workers in software development, IT services, gaming software and e-commerce.

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