
Education for dependent (PreK-G12)

The process of finding the right school for kids can be tedious; here are some resources and information to get you started.

Here are a few things you’ll need to begin your application: application form, photocopy of your ARC (Gold) Card, and authenticated transcript by TECO. (must be in English or Chinese) If you are applying for the first semester of 1st grade, you are exempt from submitting an authenticated transcript.

If you are attending a local public school, check your school district before applying at Taipei School District List or at your local household registration office. Once you know your school district, you can go to the admission office to begin your application.

List of Bilingual Public Schools and International Schools and FAQs

Bilingual local schools are offered only in Taipei and New Taipei City, but some International schools can be found outside of these two areas. We have compiled an FAQ and list of Bilingual and International schools , and you can refer to the Ministry of Education’s excellent Education Platform for Expat Children (EPEC) for more information.

Where to Learn Chinese

Though English is usually sufficient for getting around in the bigger cities, and most administrative procedures can be fumbled through without Chinese, learning Mandarin can seriously enrich your life and improve your employability. There are many options for learning. When looking at programs, you may want to consider:

  • Available Hours: Some courses like the International Chinese Language Program at National Taiwan University are very intense, designed for diplomats or full time students and require ~6-8 hours of classes/homework a day.
  • Purpose of Study: Certain courses focus more on reading/writing abilities, but others exist for those that only want to improve conversational Mandarin
  • Budget: Classes taught through universities and training centers will vary in cost, though generally they are cheaper than hiring a private tutor.

In major cities, you can usually find classes through local universities, and there are additional independent training centers like the Mandarin Training Center from National Taiwan Normal University. MTC has the best reputation for teaching, and offers a range of courses from semester-long classes to 1 on 1 individual sessions. It also has different programs for all age groups! Many local Household Registration Offices offer a free 72-hour beginner Chinese class.

To learn Chinese outside of Taipei, you may check out the following institutes:

Taichung: National Taichung University Chinese Language Center or Tunghai University Chinese Language Center

There are also online courses and private tutors found everywhere in Taiwan, which might be more tailored to your needs.

Resources for Kids Education or Chinese Learning

The Office of Global Mandarin Education website has some resources for Chinese learning, also a list of affiliated Chinese teaching institutes.

If you would like to test your or your kids’ Chinese ability, you may check out SC-TOP for various testing programs.