
Taiwan runs a world-class universal healthcare system which you, as a Gold Card holder, and your sponsored family, are part of. To access low cost, high-quality healthcare anywhere in the country, simply present your National Health Insurance (“NHI”) card. ( Read More about the system )

National Health Insurance (“NHI”) card

NHI Card
NHI Card

How to Get It

If you have an employer in Taiwan, they will enroll you into the program. Be sure to provide your employer with details of your spouse and children.

If you don’t have an employer, and you live in Taiwan on your Gold Card for a consecutive six-month period (or leave only once, for less than 30 days), you can apply directly for your NHI card at the local National Health Administration Bureau. The process is the same for any resident in Taiwan.

It usually takes around 1 to 2 weeks to receive your NHI card by mail (so make sure your registered address is up to date), or you can choose to pick up the card in person. You will receive a temporary insurance certificate that can be used in the meantime, until you receive your NHI card.

In Taipei, you can go to the Ministry of Health and Welfare Health Insurance Department Building (衛福部健康保險署臺北業務組-健保大樓辦公室) next to NTU Hospital (see address below), a couple minutes walk from Taipei Main Station Exit M8. Enter the building, take a queue number on the 1st floor, and the staff will take care of the rest for you (English service is provided). Remember to bring your Gold Card, passport, 200 NT, 2 inch photo (if you don’t have a 2 inch photo with you, you may take a photo with your phone–with clean background, no hat, and clear facial features. The staff will provide you an email to send it to at the counter.)

  • 健保大樓

    100008 臺北市中正區公園路15之1號

    Office hours: 8:30am-5:30pm (no lunch break)

If you’re not in Taipei, you can find another service center nearby .

Are my children and spouse eligible for a health insurance card?

Yes. Once your spouse and/or any minor children receive their residence cards, they can register for their health insurance card as your dependants. They are immediately eligible and have no waiting period once you are enrolled in NHI; be sure to tell your employer about your dependents so they can update your enrollment information. Parents on visitor visas are not eligible.

How to pay for it

If you are employed by a Taiwanese company, your monthly contributions will be automatically deducted from your salary. Otherwise, you will receive a bill every two months. You may pay at a convenience store, or set up an automatic payment from your Taiwanese bank account.

Hospitals, Clinics and Dentists

Your first port of call for minor symptoms or initial checkups is your local clinic (“基層診所 General Practice Clinic”). However, if you know the type of medical specialty you need, or have a serious or more complicated illness, you may book an appointment directly at a hospital. Hospitals come in three flavours:

  • 地區醫院 District Hospital - has multiple departments, emergency available and surgeries can be performed
  • 區域醫院 Regional Hospital - like a District Hospital but larger, with more departments.
  • 醫學中心 Medical Center - the most advanced hospital has the facilities of the above, but also has more advanced medical equipment for cancer or rare diseases treatment. It also has its own research department.

English service varies and is highly dependent on the staff in each. Below are the hospitals where most doctors and staff speak good basic English, and also has an international department for non-NHI patients, where the staff are fluent in English.

List of recommended hospitals and clinics / or here

If you plan on staying in Taiwan for a longer term, you may also consider private health care options and insurance. Whilst NHI covers a lot, you can still end up with considerable co-pays. Additional private insurance would cover hospital stay, some out of pocket medicines or surgeries, depending on your health plan.