客戶商業開發與數位行銷實習計畫 (Business Development & Digital Marketing Internship)

【Position】 Business Development & Digital Marketing Internship 客戶商業開發與數位行銷實習計畫 【What you’re going to do?】 1. Support team to conduct e-commerce store build consulting for the clients. 與團隊一起協助客戶做電商網站建置諮詢 2. Support app users to understand the product features and process. 支援產品使用者理解 App 功能與操作流程 3. Support product marketing process. 協助產品行銷流程 4. Conduct market reserach and competitor analysis to help product team gain more insight. 支援市場調查與同業分析,協助產品團隊決策 5. Communicate with e-commerce brands to discov