Windows on Arm PMIC SW Application Engineer (Taipei)(3069096)

【本職缺優先審核至高通官網投遞人選】請至高通官網上傳英文履歷表: 【Talents who apply job through Qualcomm Career Website will be reviewed and considered as top priority】 【Job function】 To join Qualcomm Customer Engineering team and work with leading WoS (Windows on Snapdragon) IOT device makers from design & develop to commercially launching excitement or new Qualcomm IOT SoC products. The individual Customer Engineers is expected to: • Understand every aspect of customers’ requirements and designs • To communicate with internal product & development teams on any HW/SW design related issues/features from customer designs • To work with customers in resolving any feature development and product commercialization issues. 【Responsibilities】 • Offering PMIC and charger technical support according to customer specific request/design. • Provide training to customer and communicate internal with feature design detail • Assisting customer with some software feature design • Integration, development, system debugging on OEM designs. • Handling customer Q&A, and work closely with internal developers. 【Minimum Qualifications】 • 3+ years Software Applications Engineering, Software Development experience, or related work experience • 3+ years’ experience, proficiency in C/C++ Programming and debugging. • 3+ years’ experience with embedded system 【Preferred Qualifications】 • Knowledge on PMIC, LDO/SMPS, Crystals/Clocks, Battery charging and Fuel gauge • Understand PCB Signal/power integrity • Experience on power & thermal management for IoT devices will be a plus • Strong communication and interpersonal skills, high motivation, the ability to learn quickly and must be a self-starter. • Experience on Windows/ACPI/UEFI is a plus • Experience with Qualcomm chipset software and firmware development is a plus • Experience on 3rd party Embedded Controller (EC) and related peripheral drivers will be a plus • Excellent verbal and written communication skills • Proficient in technical writing.