国際デジタルエコノミー人材台湾産業交流申請ガイドライン発表 現に募集を開始

To recruit international digital talents and accelerate the progress of domestic, industrial, and social digital transformation, the Ministry of Digital Affairs (moda) formulated and promulgated the “Foreign Special Professionals with Specialized Knowledge/Skills in the Digital Field” on May 5, 2023. Furthermore, the Ministry announces the launch of incentives, the “Guidelines for International Digital Economy Talents Applying for Industry Exchanges.” These guidelines provide Employment Gold Card holders engaged in digital economy-related activities with incentives such as airfare and accommodation allowances to faciliate their contributions in the digital economy sector in Taiwan. The Ministry’s aim is to attract a greater number of foreign digital talents to Taiwan and accelerate the digital transformation process within industries and society in Taiwan.

For more detailed information, Guidelines for International Digital Economy Talents Applying for Indus-try Exchanges in Taiwan

  • Inquiries Regarding Applying for the Employment Gold Card in the Digital Field:

Contact Person: Miss Liu. Phone: +886 2-2577-4249 ext. 297

  • Digi Gold Card Incentive Program

Contact Person: Miss Chuang. Phone: +886 2-2577-4249 ext. 849. Email: hello@digigoldcard.tw