

1. パフォーマンスアート関連:

  • 国際的な芸術団体の会員証明書、または文化.芸術関連の政府機関、民間団体の職務.身分を証明する文書のコピー。


a. 国際的な芸術団体:文化・芸術を目的として活動する国際的な財団、公共機関、企業、団体および機関など。例:アメリカン・シアター・ウイング、OISTAT、ブロードウェイ・リーグなど、または「文化省」が審査し認定したもの。

b. 要職:会長.副会長.社長.副社長.専務取締役.常務取締役.取締役.執行役員.本部長.理事長.副理事長.理事.ゼネラルマネージャー.シニアマネージャー.マネージャー・プロデューサー・ディレクターなどと同等の職位、または「文化省」が審査し認定したもの。

  • 国際的な芸術活動の主要メンバーの証明書のコピー。


a. International arts events: Events such as the Edinburgh International Festival, Festival d’Avignon, and BAM Next Wave Festival, as well as other festivals that have been reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

b. Important capacity or key member: Defined as a manager, assistant manager, assistant general manager, general manager, deputy CEO, CEO, deputy executive director, executive director, deputy publisher, publisher, vice president, president, deputy director-general, director general, responsible person, deputy general director, general director, other similar position, or other individuals reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

  • Domestic and foreign recognition contest winning records or as domestic and foreign accredited competition review.

a. Recognized award: Awards granted by an important international arts organization, wherein the number of competitors or nations competing reaches a threshold of significance, or where the award is one is of a sufficient caliber, or is otherwise a major international performing arts award. Examples include the Tony Award(US), National Dance Award(UK), and International Tchaikovsky Competition award(RU), as well as any award that has been reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

  • Proof of accomplishments in performing arts acknowledged by the MOC.

2. ビジュアルアート関連:

  • As a member of an international arts organization or as a member of a government agency or civil organizations related to culture and arts.

Proof of work experience is a Certificate of Employment with your full name, company name, position, actual duration of employment, company stamp/seal, or signature of the entity by which the paper was issued.

a. International arts organization: This indicates a foundation, association, company, group, or unit whose mission concerns culture and the arts. Examples include the National Endowment for the Arts, European Fine Art Fair, Affordable Art Fair, MCH Swiss Exhibition (Basel) Ltd., and the Association of International Photography Art Dealers or other organization reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

b. Important capacity or key member: Defined as a manager, assistant manager, assistant general manager, general manager, deputy CEO, CEO, deputy executive director, executive director, deputy publisher, publisher, vice president, president, deputy director-general, director general, responsible person, deputy general director, general director, other similar position, or other individuals reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

  • Acting for members of international arts events (indicative art fairs, biennials, etc.).

Proof of work experience is a Certificate of Employment with your full name, company name, position, actual duration of employment, company stamp/seal, or signature of the entity by which the paper was issued.

a. International arts event:

  1. Expositions: Art Taipei; Art Basel Hong Kong; Art Stage Singapore; Art Basel Miami Beach; Art Basel and other exhibitions reviewed and approved of by the MOC.
  2. Biennial festivals: La Biennale di Venezia; Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art; European Biennial of Contemporary Art; Shanghai Biennial; Biennale of Sydney; Sao Paulo Art Biennial; Whitney Biennial; Costa Rica Biennale; Gwangju Biennale; International Istanbul Biennial; and other such festivals reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

b. Important capacity or key member: Defined as a manager, assistant manager, assistant general manager, general manager, deputy CEO, CEO, deputy executive director, executive director, deputy publisher, publisher, vice president, president, deputy director-general, director general, responsible person, deputy general director, general director, other similar position, or other individuals reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

  • Domestic and foreign recognition contest winning records or as domestic and foreign accredited competition review.

a. Awards granted by major international arts organizations, or where the number of competitors or nations competing reaches a threshold of significance, or where the award is of a sufficient caliber, or where the award is sufficiently representative and important to the visual arts. Examples include the New York Art Directors Club Annual Awards, Bologna Children’s Book Fair: Illustrator’s Award, and other awards reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

  • Proof of accomplishments in Visual arts acknowledged by the MOC.

3. 出版事業関連:

  • Certificates of serving at an authoritative international media or publishing house as chief editor, senior executive or certified copywriter agent, or certificates of work experience in publishing or mass communication for more than 8 years.

Proof of work experience is a Certificate of Employment with your full name, company name, position, actual duration of employment, company stamp/seal, or signature of the entity by which the paper was issued.

a. Authoritative international media: The international print news media or news agency of at least two pages in length and serving a national or global audience of readers. Examples include but not limit to US News and World Report, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Financial Times, Associated Press, Reuters, L’ Agence France-Press, Time, Life, National Geographic. Yazhou Zhoukan (Hong Kong), and other publications or news agencies acknowledged by the MOC.

b. The publishing houses include but not limit Penguin Random House, HarperCollins Publishers LLC, or other publishing houses acknowledged by the MOC.

c. Senior managers of the print media indicate manager, assistant general manager, deputy general manager, general manager, deputy CEO, CEO, deputy executive director, executive director, deputy publisher, publisher, deputy director-general, director-general, vice president, president, responsible person, chief editor, deputy managing editor, managing editor, deputy general director, general director, other similar position, or other individuals reviewed and approved of by the MOC.

  • As a foreign university professor in publishing or mass communications.

Proof of work experience is a Certificate of Employment with your full name, company name, position, actual duration of employment, company stamp/seal, or signature of the entity by which the paper was issued.

  • Ph.D. in the related fields of publication and a certificate for international academic awards in list of International Academic Research Awards published by Academia Sinica shall.
  • The most highly regarded awards in publishing-related fields in foreign countries or countries.(publishing award shall mean: Nobel Prize; Pulitzer Prize; Man Booker Prize; Prix Goncourt; National Magazine Awards; Premio Miguel de Cervantes; Premio Planeta de Novela; Naoki Prize; Akutagawa Prize; other awards reviewed and approved of by the MOC.)
  • A curator who has curated an international book fair, or the manager, assistant manager, assistant general manager, general manager, deputy CEO, CEO, deputy executive director, executive director, deputy publisher, publisher, vice president, president, deputy director-general, director-general, responsible person, deputy general director, general director, or other similar position at an organization that has curated an international book fair.
  • Proof of accomplishments in publishing business acknowledged by the MOC.

4. テレビ.映画.音楽関連:

  • Copy of award certificate for a major award for film, broadcast, or pop music from Taiwan or the recipient’s native country, or international award. Acceptable awards include, but are not limited to, the Golden Horse Awards, Golden Harvest Awards for Outstanding Short Films, Taipei Film Festival, Kaohsiung Film Festival, Taiwan International Documentary Festival, Emmy Awards, BAFTA, Seoul International Drama Awards, Golden Globe Awards, Golden Bell Awards, New York Festivals International Television & Film Awards, British Academy Television Awards, Grammy Awards, BRIT Awards, American Music Awards, MTV Europe Music Awards, Golden Melody Awards, NRJ Music Awards, Billboard Music Awards, Golden Indie Music Awards, Japan Record Awards, Juno Awards, Mercury Prize, Golden Disc Awards, and film festival awards listed in Table 1 of the Regulations for Funding Film Industry and Film Professionals’ Participation in International Film Festivals established by the MOC’s Bureau of Audiovisual and Music Industry Development, as well as other awards whose qualifications have been reviewed and verified by the MOC.
  • Copy of proof of employment as a top executive at a medium-sized or larger film, broadcast, or pop music juristic person or organization.
  • Copy of proof of five years’ work experience in the fields of film, broadcast, or pop music.

Proof of work experience is a Certificate of Employment with your full name, company name, position, actual duration of employment, company stamp/seal, or signature of the entity by which the paper was issued.

a. Definition of international medium-size enterprise: A company/organization having subsidiaries/branches in at least two countries, wherein the parent company has effective control or control over policy. The company/organization should engage in transnational production, and the scope of its efforts should include film, broadcast, or pop music. The film, broadcast, or pop music juristic person/ organization should also meet at least one of the following conditions: a) have 50 or more employees; b) regional annual net operating revenue equal to or higher than NT$350 million (includes registered public and private enterprises).

b. Definition of top executive: An individual who has served as department head or higher at a juristic person or organization, such as a CEO, general manager, assistant manager, director-general, or other similar position.

  • Copy of professional certificate, professional training certificate, copyright, thesis, patent or other certification of innovation or outstanding performance from the film, broadcast, or pop music industry; or copy of recommendation or verification from other official organizations such as the United Nations, public agencies of the person’s nation, or foreign representative offices in Taiwan.
  • Copy of proof of five years’ work experience in the fields of film, broadcast, or pop music.

Proof of work experience is a Certificate of Employment with your full name, company name, position, actual duration of employment, company stamp/seal, or signature of the entity by which the paper was issued.

  • Copy of verification by the Ministry of Culture of documentation related to film, broadcast, or pop music.

5. 工芸関連:

  • Nationally or internationally recognized competitions: Talente Munich; ITAMI International Craft Exhibition; International Ceramics Competition Mino, Japan; Faenza Prize; Cheongju International Craft Biennale; and other competitions acknowledged of by the MOC.
  • Nationally or internationally recognized organization: The World Crafts Council, UNESCO, or other international organizations, as well as organizations acknowledged of by the MOC.
  • Documentation concerning important handicraft patents obtained within the past 10 years must be appended.
  • Certification of professional abilities in a handicraft.
  • Documentation or other information concerning involvement in corporate R&D projects done with a grant from or in cooperation with the government of Taiwan or other countries. (Note: “Domestic” in the aforementioned indicates participating in the Small Business Innovation Research Program or winning the Business Startup Award run by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, etc. Foreign awards will be approved of on a case-by-case basis.)
  • Proof of accomplishments in a handicraft acknowledged by the MOC.

6. 文化行政関連:

  • Proof of serving for at least 10 years cultural institutions or technological and research bodies related to arts and culture, which are lawfully established nationwide and abroad, together with copies of recommendation letters from the institution

Proof of work experience is a Certificate of Employment with your full name, company name, position, actual duration of employment, company stamp/seal, or signature of the entity by which the paper was issued.

  • Proof of serving for at least 10 years in arts and cultural sections of an international arts NGO, together with copies of recommendation letters from the NGO. (Please refer to the UNESCO website for examples of arts NGOs )

Proof of work experience is a Certificate of Employment with your full name, company name, position, actual duration of employment, company stamp/seal, or signature of the entity by which the paper was issued.

  • Proof of accomplishments in arts administration and cultural management acknowledged by the MOC.

7. 文化.創造関連の新規産業における実務経験者:

Have experience as a manager or core member of an R&D team that has helped with an IPO of a company in a cultural and creative industry overseen by the Ministry of Culture (including visual arts, music and performance art, cultural assets application and exhibition and performance facility, handicraft, film, radio and television broadcast, publication, pop music, and cultural content) in another country.

Append all of the following:

  • News clippings or other supporting documentation concerning the IPO on a foreign exchange.
  • For high-level managers working in a managerial capacity at the aforementioned enterprise, certification of related work or resignation. For core R&D team members, certification of related work on or resignation from this position.

Proof of work experience is a Certificate of Employment with your full name, company name, position, actual duration of employment, company stamp/seal, or signature of the entity by which the paper was issued.

Note: Industries overseen by the MOC are those listed in Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 7 and Paragraph 15 of Article 3 of the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act, and include the visual arts, music and performance art, cultural assets application and exhibition and performance facility, handicraft, film, radio and television broadcast, publication, pop music, and cultural content.

Have experience as a high-level manager or core member of an R&D team that has been involved with a merger with a public company in a cultural and creative industry overseen by the Ministry of Culture (including visual arts, music and performance art, cultural assets application and exhibition and performance facility, handicraft, film, radio and television broadcast, publication, pop music, and cultural content) in another country.

Append all of the following:

  • News clippings or other supporting documentation concerning the IPO of other companies on a foreign exchange.
  • News clippings or other documentation concerning the firm’s acquisition at or over US$3 million by a publicly traded company.
  • For high-level managers working in a managerial capacity at the aforementioned enterprise, certification of related work or resignation. For core R&D team members, certification of related work on or resignation from this position.

Proof of work experience is a Certificate of Employment with your full name, company name, position, actual duration of employment, company stamp/seal, or signature of the entity by which the paper was issued.

Note: Industries overseen by the MOC are those listed in Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 7 and Paragraph 15 of Article 3 of the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act, and include the visual arts, music and performance art, cultural assets application and exhibition and performance facility, handicraft, film, radio and television broadcast, publication, pop music, and cultural content.

Have experience as a manager of a venture capital company or fund that has invested overseas or has participated in a Taiwan government project in an industry overseen by the Ministry of Culture (including visual arts, music and performance art, cultural assets application and exhibition and performance facility, handicraft, film, radio and television broadcast, publication, pop music, and cultural content) in another country.

Append all of the following:

  • For high-level managers working in a managerial capacity at the aforementioned enterprise, certification of related work or resignation, as well as one or all of the following:

    • Managerial experience at a venture capital firm or fund that has invested in innovation or business overseas valued at over US$3 million.
    • Experience as a high-level manager at a venture capital firm or fund investing at least US$600,000 in an innovation or business project in connection with a Taiwan government project.

Proof of work experience is a Certificate of Employment with your full name, company name, position, actual duration of employment, company stamp/seal, or signature of the entity by which the paper was issued.

Note: Industries overseen by the MOC are those listed in Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 7 and Paragraph 15 of Article 3 of the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act, and include the visual arts, music and performance art, cultural assets application and exhibition and performance facility, handicraft, film, radio and television broadcast, publication, pop music, and cultural content.

Append all of the following:

  • Related documentation

Note: Industries overseen by the MOC are those listed in Paragraph 1 to Paragraph 7 and Paragraph 15 of Article 3 of the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries Act, and include the visual arts, music and performance art, cultural assets application and exhibition and performance facility, handicraft, film, radio and television broadcast, publication, pop music, and cultural content.


読了時間: 25 分




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