Why Taiwan: Other

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Monday, February 26, 2024


2023年ゴールドカードコミュニティ調査 2023年7月から8月にかけて、国家発展委員会(NDC)傘下のTalent Taiwanオフィス(旧台湾就業ゴールドカードオフィス)は、台湾在住の外国人材に関する年次調査を実施しました。64カ国以上から1,021人の回答者を得たこの調査結果は、内政部移民署の協力を含む様々なルートを通じて、外国人人材コミュニティから直接収集されたものです。外国人人口全体を …

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Thursday, August 10, 2023


AI時代が来る:ChatGPTが生成する雇用契約に関する5つの注意事項 Note: if you are not yet familiar with the rights and obligations under employment relationships or proper documentations with employees, please read “ HOW TO …

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Thursday, April 20, 2023


新興企業と人材との法律関係:一般的な3種類の労働サービス契約 In addition to our previous articles discussing about some crucial factors that startups should be aware of when recruiting employees and entering into the employment …

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Friday, December 23, 2022


チーム台湾、2022年タレント・トリップ(シンガポール、マレーシア) Since its establishment at the end of 2020, the Employment Gold Card Office (hereinafter referred to as TGC) has been tasked with overseas promotion and …

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Friday, December 9, 2022


台湾で起業する際に知っておくべき心得とコツ Foreign Startups in Taiwan: 3 Key Questions You Need to Consider in Advance —Which type of company best suits you? How does one set up a company? How long does it take …

  • その他
Wednesday, November 16, 2022


2022年ゴールドカードコミュニティ調査 From July 29th to September 14th 2022, the Gold Card Office conducted a survey of Foreign Special Professionals residing in Taiwan. With 1081 respondents from more than 50 …

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Monday, November 14, 2022


新興企業のための入門書:従業員との適切な文書締結方法 During the initial startup stage, through emails or verbal communication, employers often agree to mundane matters such as working hours, vacations, salaries, stock …

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Wednesday, November 9, 2022


新興企業のための入門書:台湾で従業員を採用する際の注意点 Despite offering more lively and flexible working arrangements, it is not uncommon for startups to inadvertently violate laws and be fined by labor authorities if they do …

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Wednesday, July 6, 2022


【台湾の外国スタートアップ企業3】台湾で会社を設立するための3つの選択肢 In our previous article Foreign Startups in Taiwan: 3 Key Questions You Need to Consider in Advance , we answered the 3 most frequently asked questions that have …

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Thursday, April 28, 2022


【台湾の外国スタートアップ企業2】台湾で最も一般的な3種類の企業 Once you understand the process of setting up a company in Taiwan (please refer to Foreign Startups in Taiwan: 3 Key Questions You Need to Consider in Advance for …

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Wednesday, March 16, 2022


【台湾の外国スタートアップ企業1】事前に考慮すべき3つの重要な質問 In recent years, the Taiwanese government has introduced policies (such as the Entrepreneur Visa and the Employment Gold Card) that aim to increase incentives for …

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Tuesday, March 16, 2021


ウェブサイトの新機能 The Gold Card Office has been working hard to improve our services, and we’re delighted to announce a few new features on our website today. Application Guide, including …

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Monday, December 14, 2020


新型コロナウイルスの感染予防と管理対策:台湾はいかにして伝染病予防の世界的モデルとなったか As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the globe, infecting thousands and causing millions of deaths, Taiwan has been lauded by international media …